Name of the company: DAILY SERVICE GmbH
Postal address: DAILY SERVICE GmbH, Gewerbestraße 6, A-4481 Asten
Phone +43 / 7224 67391
Legal form: GmbH
Managing Directors: Bernhard Ebenberger, Alexander Scharnreiter, graduate engineer (DI (FH))
Commercial Register number: FN 522388 v., Regional Court Steyr/Austria
Place of jurisdiction: Linz/Austria
Legal notice:
Information acc. to § 5 para. 1, E-Commerce Act;
Publication according to Media Act § 25
Daily Service has undertaken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and complete at the time of provision. Unintentional and chance errors can still occur, however, which are not intended on our part. Daily Service does not make any pledges and accepts no guarantee for the information provided on this website such as hyperlinks or other contents used either directly or indirectly by the website. Daily Service also retains the right to change or supplement the information provided without prior notice. Daily Service does not accept any liability for incorrect or missing information on the company website, and thus the user is solely responsible for all decisions based on information provided on the website. Daily Service does not accept any liability for direct, concrete damage or consequential damage or damage of any other kind which results for whatever reason in connection with the indirect or direct use of information provided on the website.
Unless specified otherwise, Daily Service has the exclusive copyright for all the documents (photos, illustrations, texts, animation etc.) provided on the Daily Service website and the materials used for these. In terms of all rights (e.g. rights of ownership, industrial property rights, copyright), no-one shall be granted a licence or other right. Any use without agreement by Daily Service is not permitted and liable to prosecution. This is particularly valid for duplication, microfiche copies as well as storage and processing in electronic systems (internet, intranet, CD-ROM, CD-I etc.). The use of marks (e.g. brands, logos) is expressly prohibited, independently of whether a ® symbol or T is used. All the above regulations also apply to the use of software that can be requested or used directly or indirectly from the Daily Service website. In as far as third party software is accessed via hyperlinks, this provider's regulations apply and his rights must be heeded. Every user who provides information via the Daily Service website agrees that Daily Service receives unlimited rights to this information and that Daily Service may use them in any way it wishes. The information provided by the user is not subject to confidentiality. Personal user data are subject to the Data Protection Act 2000 and DSGVO 2018 and are only used by Daily Service to the extent necessary for personal support or updating of customer master data. Subscribing to the newsletter and taking part in competitions leads to data being transmitted and stored on a Daily Service server. With this, the registered visitors accept that they will receive post or emails from Daily Service. This agreement can be revoked in writing at any time. The data will not be forwarded to third parties. The Daily Service internet service is protected by firewall systems. All user data collected is protected from external access. Austrian law shall apply for all legal relationships. Place of jurisdiction is Linz.