We want
to be successful.
But not on the costs of our children.

The Climate change has been the greatest challenge for humanity ever since the end of the Ice Age. At the World Climate Conference in Paris, 197 states agreed that the average Temperature increase has to be kept under 2 degrees.


Climateneutral to Koyoto

We voluntary compensate our emissions. Strictly according to the Kyoto Protocol!

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has conclusively shown that the avoidance of Emissions would only make 0.6% of the annual added value, whilst the elimination of consequential damages would cost much more.


At Daily, we are aware of our special responsibility as a company to subsequent generations and have had our climate impact quoted from the company Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG. Not only our company emissions, but also those of our products and the persons supported by us in Sport- and Culture sector where taken into this calculation.

On the basis of the current data, the footprint of our company is about 7,200tons of CO2 per year. As an illustration: Each citizen generates an average of about 10 tonnes of CO2 per year due to his lifestyle. The balanced amount of greenhouse gases CO2 corresponds to the greenhouse gases, which about 720 inhabitants of Austria produce in one year.


Our declared goal is now to achieve a substantial reduction of the emissions through an ambitious package of measures. Furthermore we compensate the emissions of our company by purchasing 7,200 CO2 certificates. With this money two particularly effective and high-quality climate protection projects in developing and newly industrialising countries get supported. So exactly where there are massive stimulations needed to expand renewable energy needs!

Here you can find more information on the projects we support:


Félou Regional Hydropower Project


Félou Regional Hydropower Project




Félou Regional Hydropower Project


Det Norske Veritas

Saved Emission per Year (Ton CO2 eq)


Saved Emission in total (Ton CO2 eq)


Project duration




The purpose of this project is to provide emission-free hydroelectric power from a water power plant on the Senegal in Mali. The regional Hydro - Power Project Félou delivers clean energy to the interconnected network of the subregions including Mali, Mauritania and Senegal. The project is government-funded through the governments of Mali, Mauritania and Senegal. The total investment capacity of the project is 63.45 MW, consisting of 3 Bulb turbines with a predicted forecast of a gross production of 333.5 GWh per year. The project development covers the existing weir of an old 600 KW hydroelectric power plant where as ,the with the old plant connected turbine and Generator, are taken out of operation.

The otherwise produced electricity for Mali, Mauritania and Senegal, which flows into the Compound network, is relatively carbon-intensive and has an emission factor of approx. 600 grams CO2 / MWh. The project should therefore help to reduce the emissions by an estimated 191,765t CO2e per Year.

More details: